Holiday Cleaning GiveawayClosed

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I have been putting items away I receive in gift bags, or items I received for review that I did not request. So now I am cleaning out my closet, for you.

One US reader will get these great prizes:

  • Scrabble Turbo Slam- Enhance your vocabulary knowledge and skills with this Turbo Slam scrabble. This crossword card game is ideal to be used during free time with your friends. It includes a deck of alphabet cards and a drawer to complete this set
  • 10 pack of Play-doh in a variety of colors
  • I love iCarly collection-featuring a variety of episodes, including iSpaced out, iSaved Your Life, and  iFight Shelby Marx
  • Nintendo 3DS glasses-helps your childs eyes while playing the 3DS

Disclsoure: Items were supplied for giveaways, No compensation was received.

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