4th Of July Recipe Twitter Chat With Hormel #HormelFamily #HF4thChat

Hormel is having a Twitter Chat tomorrow to discuss 4th Of July Recipes and tricks for your celebrations. Plus you have a chance to win $500.

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Follow Hormel and tweet hashtag #HF4thChat to follow along. I will be chatting along with Hormel and some other official Hormel Family Ambassadors.

Join In June 30, at 1-2 PM EST.

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

First Time To Connecticut

We will be moving across the Long Island Sound to Connecticut soon, and decide to visit and see what neighborhoods are good. Our first stop was Yale University, since thats will be our main focus.


Yale is so big there is just so much to see. We didn’t stop and see much since we have plenty of time to do that in the future. I can’t wait to see the Peabody museum.

We traveled around the surrounding towns and fund a cute park right on the harbor.


I can’t wait to start this new adventure and share it with all of you!

Summer Time Is A Great Time For A Picnic

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

Now that summer is finally here, the kids are wanting to get out and go to the park, hike and have fun. We don’t go out to eat all that often so we have started packing picnics for our adventures.

The kids love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and always opt for Skippy’s chocolate peanut butter with jelly.

For the adults we have a sandwich with lunchmeat. I prefer Turkey and my husband ham. We always add chips and fun snacks into the mix and it turns out to be a perfect picnic.

Hormel has great flavors and they are 100% natural. No preservatives and no artificial ingredients for a nutritious lunchmeat option that tastes great and is better than the deli. The prepackaged natural deli meats even come in a recyclable package


We had a fun picnic right on the water and it turned out to be a great day with the best food.


Are you planning any picnic this summer? What will you be making?

Buy Pampers And Help The Children’s Miracle Network Giveaway Closed

Disclosure: A gift card was provided to help facilitate this post. All opinions are 100% my own.


My first child was born and I wanted to do everything right, I tried breastfeeding and didn’t want to give up. In exchange for not wanting to give up my daughter didn’t eat for a few days. I was told I was doing it right but in fact I wasn’t and when they took her in for more testing they realized her belli rubin was off the charts, and they were worried about her.
Putting her under lights and not being able to see her. As it went down things had looked up, thanks to the wonderful doctors. She wasn’t out of the clear though we had to rent a belli machine and keep her under for 2 weeks. She hated it, but whatever kept her healthy.

Thanks to the Children’s Miracle Network everything was covered for us and we had great training on how to use the machine and take care of our daughter.

Walmart and Pampers have teamed up to donate $200,000 in the month of June.
When you purchase products like Pampers Swaddlers at your local Walmart, portions of the proceeds will go to the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

Supporting Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals helps provide visits for 10 million kids each year. To see more on how much they have helped please visit.
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We don’t have little ones at him anymore but bought a pack of Pampers just to help The Children’s Miracle Network, and then donated the diapers to a local family.

To donate and learn more visit here.

You can win a $25 gift card to Walmart to help support The Children’s Miracle network by buying Pampers diapers?

To enter: Tell me if you have a connection to their hospitals or a special story with the network?

Extra entries:
Put No Time Mommy button on your site-13 entries
Subscribe to my feed- 12 entries
Blog about this giveaway-9 entries
Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-7 entries unlimited
Follow me on Bloglovin- 6 entries
Follow me on twitter-4 entries
Tweet this giveaway-4 entries (can be done daily)
Pin, Google + or stumble share-3 entries
Enter any of my other giveaways-3 entries
post this giveaway on Facebook-2 entries (can be done daily)

Contest ends July 20, 2015

Marsha Mellow Goes Missing: An Unoffical Story For Shopkins Collectors

Shopkins featuring 450 characters from three seasons, are tint adorable themed characters that have become one of the most popular toys.

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What’s even more fun than shopping for Shopkins? Hanging out with friends who love them! Meet the Shopkins Kids Club, five girls who meet every week to buy, trade, and play with their favorite characters. As they build their prized collections, they also collect adventures—and little lessons about friendship and family, too.

Nine-year-old Maggie can’t wait to go camping with her grandparents and her friends from the Shopkins Kids Club. The five girls sit around the campfire, making s’mores, singing songs, and trading Shopkins. Everything is perfect, except for Maggie’s annoying little brother, Max, who’s being a huge pain. But when Maggie’s prized Marsha Mellow goes missing, the campout heads downhill fast. Maggie suspects that one of her friends might be the culprit: envious Ava has been eying up her Marsha Mellow all night! Can Maggie find Marsha Mellow—and find a way to salvage her friendships and her campout?

As Maggie follows the clues to find the missing Marsha Mellow, she learns lessons about taking care of your things, not judging others too quickly, apologizing when you need to, and, most of all, inclusion: inviting others to join in instead of keeping them out. More members in the Shopkins Kids Club just means more fun! Join Maggie and the Shopkins Kids Club in this brand-new story for Shopkins collectors!

** Both of my daughters just got done reading this book and they loved it. They said it was full of adventure, friendship and caring. My daughter said it even hinted as to what pack you might find Marsha Mellow in.

It’s only 112 pages, so the younger kids can read it without losing attention to fast.

Marsha Mellow Goes Missing will be available June 23, 2015 for $7.99

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received. A product was provided for review.

Stop and Shop Now Has a Magazine

One of my favorite grocery stores is Stop and Shop, they nay have locations in the NorthEast. They have the best deals and a very easy to navigate store and help me stay on budget.


Stop and Shop has just introduced their first magazine Savory Fast, Fresh and Easy in print and digital form. The magazine is free to card loyalty members and will be released 4 times this year.
The first issue will feature full color photos of summer grilling favorites and recipes. Regular inspirational features will include budget friendly meals, recipes to cook once and eat twice, new twists on flashback favorites, questions and answers with a nutritionist and a “Take 5” feature which offers five ingredients for a fast meal.

The launch of Savory Fast, Fresh and Easy is part of Stop & Shop’s unwavering commitment to putting the customer first and inspire them to prepare nutritious and delicious meals while saving time and money,” said Arlene Putterman, Manager of Public and Community Relations, Stop & Shop New York Metro Division. “We understand many of our customers struggle to fit fresh, healthy meals into their families’ busy schedule and hope this new digital content platform will help make their lives better and easier.”

You can now find Savory Fast Fresh and Easy in stores or you can download it here.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. A complimentary magazine was provided.

Lloyd’s Pulled Pork Is A Easy Weeknight Dinner #HormelFamily

disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

I talk about it a lot, but being a mom can be stressful and very busy. Some days you just want to plop on the couch after a long day and relax. Not have to worry about cooking, or cleaning. I had one of those nights a few days ago.
The kids were home all day fighting, I was cleaning and trying to keep the occupied while packing for our move. I just didn’t feel like cooking over a hot stove after that, so I pulled out the Lloyd’s pulled Pork that Hormel had sent us, and it was a instant hit.


I love southern BBQ, and while this isn’t quite what you can get in the south it was delicious. Not to mention I don’t have to worry about meat cooking in a slow cooker all day.


Just put the pulled pork in a bowl microwave and add BBQ sauce and you have a yummy family dinner.

Everyone loved it and we can’t wait to try the other varieties including pulled Chicken, and Beef Brisket.

Who is ready for summer cooking?

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