Those Weeknight You Just Don’t Feel Like Cooking #HormelFamily

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

With three kids time can get away from me, and the day can get stressful. When that happens I am just not in the mood to cook dinner, so I opt for something easy to make my family.


My oldest daughter loves Pasta and would eat it all the time. I recently found Hormel’s Creamy Tomato Basil Penne in our local supermarket and it was only $1.99.


My daughter loves it, and says it tastes use like the pasta you get at restaurants.

What is your go to meal when you don’t feel like cooking?

Become a Nesquick Hero and get your own canister

Disclosure: a personalized canister and gift card were provided for this post.

My kids think I am a super Hero, I can do it all. Cook, clean, and so much more. I am always there for the when they need me, to them that makes me their hero. So we thought it would be fun to take she super hero pics and submit them in the Nesquick for a free Super Hero canister.

I tried to get them in the pic too, but they said no.



I think I look a little silly, but my kids love it and want to show it off to their friends.

You can make your very own super hero canister with Nesquick, just upload your photo and it takes about 3-4 weeks to receive. There is only a limited amount available so hurry.

This month Nesquick is also lowering the amount of added sugar in its powder formulas by 15% in original chocolate and 27% in strawberry. Also this month, the chocolate and strawberry powders will be free of artificial flavors and colors. Parents can now rest easy and feel confident in their choices, with this nutrient-rich beverage.

Head to the store and pick up your limited edition Avengers canister and don’t forget to see the movie now in theaters.


Shopkins Vending Machine Review

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for review.

Shopkins are one of the hottest toys in the world right now. They have so many fun and kid friendly play sets and figures, it’s all day fun for kids.
My 3 kids are all crazy about Shopkins, they play with them daily. We have almost all of them, including play sets.


We just received the Shopkins Vending machine to add to our collection. I have never seen the vending machine in stores, usually they are sold out of everything by the time I get there.
The vending Machine is really cute and comes with 2 special edition Shopkins that can only be found in the play set.

There are a few different special editions in the Vending Machines. I received the product with Cheesy-B and Alpha soup.

The Shopkins Vending Machine is so cute and just big enough to hold all your Shopkins.





My kids love the Shopkins Vending machine and have been playing with it non-stop. They said it would be better if it had actual shelves built in or the little circle clasps real vending machines have. You can just leave the plastic in the Shopkins Vending Machine to use as shelves.

You can find the Shopkins Vending Machine at local retailers nationwide for $17.99

Who’s ready for Season 3?

Happy Mothers day

Happy Mothers Day to all my readers out there. Today is just a typical day for me.

We celebrated yes yesterday with a cute Tea Party at the library for moms and kids.

Mothers Day 2

Then this morning when I came home from grocery shopping I found notes everywhere.

mothers Day

Happy mothers Day everyone.

Celebrate Cinco De Mayo with Hormel #HormelFamily

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.

We love to celebrate Cinco De Mayo the best way we can. We sit down for a nice family diner with home made mexican food. My kids love tacos and burritos, but I decided to take it a step further this year.


In addition to tacos and burritos I made my own tostadas, using Hertz Corn tortillas.


I just followed a recipe on Hormel foods.
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup refried beans, heated
1 1/2 cups shredded lettuce
1/2 cup shredded Mexican cheese blend
4 corn tortillas
Beef or chicken

Cook ground beef or chicken. I like to slow cook the chicken in Chi Chi’s salsa all day and then shred it when done.
In skillet, heat oil. Fry tortillas, 1 at a time, until crisp; drain on paper towels. Place tortillas on baking sheet; keep warm.
Spread warm refried beans on each tortilla; top with chicken or beef, lettuce and cheese. Serve with salsa, sour cream and guacamole, if desired.

To finish off our meal with we of course had chips and salsa, and Guacamole.


How did you celebrate Cinco De mayo?

Avocados Of Mexico Recipes and Tips For Cinco de Mayo

Disclosure: A gift card and products were provided for this post. All opinions are my own.

Avocado and Chorizo Enchiladas

Cinco De Mayo is coming up and everyone and you can’t celebrate without having guacamole. I have found that it is the freshest and tastes best if it’s homemade.

Pic #198 Shrimp and Avocado Enchiladas in Creamy Red Sauce - PJ Recipe #2 Final high

Finding the right Avocado is so simple, Patti Jinich from Patti’s Mexican Table has some tips just for my readers:

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that calls for celebration and entertaining! According to, “Cinco de Mayo is widely interpreted as a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage” and revelers in the United States “mark the occasion with parades, parties, mariachi music, Mexican folk dancing and traditional foods.” If you’re among the millions celebrating this year, but need some inspiration for a crowd pleasing fiesta with true Mexican flare, you’re in luck!

During the week of Cinco, 33,892,841 Million Pounds of avocados are consumed. That’s enough to fill over 45 million standard Margarita glasses.

Avocados Of Mexico wants to see your favorite photos of how you #CelebrateCinco in 4 categories Mexican fare, Guac, Decor, and Spirits.

There are only 2 days left
Enter your best Guac photos today and any category tomorrow. Upload your photo with hashtag #CelebrateCinco on Twitter or Instagram. You can also upload on Facebook here. Winner gets a $500 cash prize.

How are you celebrating Cinco De Mayo? Will you be making Guac, using Avocados from Mexico?

Brookhaven Science fair

We attended the Brookhaven National Elementary Science Fair this past weekend, as my daughter was entered. There were so many great projects.

Unfortunately we did not win or get a honorable mention. I think it was just a bit biased as they had already announced their winner in there welcome speech.

The point was just being able to participate, and my daughter was happy with use a certificate and ribbon for participation.




If your child wins their grade level science fair then thy can register for the Brookhaven Science Fair.

How You Can Eliminate Bed Bugs From Your Home

Bed bugs are not considered dangerous to health and, unlike some pests, they do not spread disease, but this does not make them any less unwanted. Bites from bed bugs can cause excessive itching and loss of sleep. Scratching to relieve the itch can result in a secondary skin infection.
There are some actions you can take which can help eliminate bed bugs and we are going to have a look at a few. You can also enlist the help of a professional exterminator in dealing with the problem. If you want to know about bed bug control you can read more at the Milwaukee pest control website. We will discuss how important it can be to seek a solution from a pest control expert.

How do you know you have a problem with bed bugs?
One of the most obvious signs of a bed bug problem is if people in the household start to itch, bed bug bites can be very irritating. If you suspect you may have a problem with bed bugs you will need to examine the box spring and mattress on the bed for any signs, such as the bugs themselves, molted skins of bed bug nymphs which are light brown or the tell dark spots of bed bug excrement.
You will also need to check drawers, upholstered items of furniture, carpet edges and any cracks in the room; anywhere that a bed bug may call home.

What actions should you take?
Once you know you have a bed bug problem you will need to take action to alleviate it. It’s hard to treat a mattress or box spring but you can purchase bed bug proof mattress protectors through which bugs cannot escape; hence they are suffocated. These items can save you from having to invest in a new mattress and box spring.
Any bedding or clothing which has been affected will need to be washed at a temperature of 120°F minimum. You should also tumble dry on hot; the steam kills bed bugs.
You will need to thoroughly vacuum the entire area, paying special attention to edges and creases where bugs may be hidden. Remember that, once you have finished vacuuming, you will need to dispose of the contents of the vacuum in sealed trash bags.

How can professional exterminators help you deal with a bed bug problem?
If you have bed bugs in your home you don’t have to deal with them by yourself; hiring a pest control expert to help with the problem can be a perfect solution. Every home is different so the exterminator will speak to you about your specific issues, and will work with you to produce a detailed plan of how to deal with the bed bug infestation in your property. The professionals have vast experience of bed bug control which they can use to provide an efficient service in your case.

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