The suit just makes him that much cuter, and a perfect gentlemen.
Author: brandy3
Donate Life PSA With Erik Compton
Nearly 124,000 people including children are waiting for organ transplants in the United States. That is a crazy amount of people, which is why it is important that you make the choice to donate life.
In the “Play Through with Erik Compton to Donate Life” PSA, Erik Compton, a PGA TOUR golfer and two-time heart transplant recipient, raises awareness for organ donation and encourages Americans to become organ donors. He inspires viewers by reminding them, “You too can donate life.”
In the PSA, Erik joins news anchor and kidney donor, Phillip Palmer, and a group of organ transplant recipients, including professional soccer player Samuel Gordon, and athletes Eric Drear, Cristian Sanchez, Nick Wallace, and Jennifer Golden. Each individual shares their personal experience with organ donations and explains that they are alive and healthy today because people chose to be organ donors.
Donate Life has found that 90% of Americans say that they support organ donation, however only 30% are aware of the correct steps needed to be taken in order to become a donor.
The PSA directs people who would like to become organ donors to visit Donate Life America for more information about donation, how to register in your state’s donor registry and, importantly, don’t forget to tell your family about your decision. Discussing organ donation with family members helps ensure organ donation wishes are honored.
April is Donate Life month, help someone today.
Beauty Of Cold Spring Harbor New York
Now that we are planning on moving out of NY state, we decided t take a photo shoot to remind us of all the beauty of this special town and how much it meant to us. Cold Spring Harbor will be missed for it’s beauty and views.
Love that everything is in bloom.
View from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, which is a spectacular place in it’s self.
If you are ever on Long Island, you must stop by Cold Spring Harbor.
New World Menu At Stop and Shop
Disclosure: A gift card was provided to help with the cost of products.
Stop and Shop now has a new line of products in the freezer section. Stop and Shop’s world menu is a variety of different foods from around the world.
World Menu features more than 50 Italian and Asian favorites, found primarily in the frozen section, all featuring quality ingredients and easy preparation. From ready-made meals during the work week, to encouraging kids to try new foods to fun themed weekend meals, there are many possibilities for incorporating Stop & Shop’s World Menu products into meal planning.
I bought Chicken Basil rolls and Veggie rolls from their Chinese line. They are suppose to be like egg rolls. Just put them on a cookie sheet and bake them in the oven.
I really liked the veggie rolls and the Chicken Basil was okay. I honestly think they would of been excellent if I had deep fried them and I just felt they weren’t crunchy enough on the outside, but inside was still very good.
You can try the new World Menu now at Stop and Shop. Prices range from $3.49-$7.99. What will you be trying?
Making Chicken Stir Fry (First Time) #HormelFamily
Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.
I admit that I get stuck in my ways and make the same things over and over again, but I decided to do something a little different and make chicken stir fry for dinner.
It was something I have never made before and was hoping it would turn out really well. I decided to use House Of Tsang Sweet and Sour Sauce.
House Of Tsang is from the Hormel brand and was designed by well known chef David Tsang to bring the flavors of Asia into your kitchen.
I thought the stir fry turned out great, I added tons of fresh veggies and added a little extra sweet and sour sauce for flavor.
We paired it with rice and a few homemade California Rolls and it was so yummy.
Have you ever tried House of Tsang before or stir fry?
This is one dish I will definitely be making again.
Fruit Of The Loom New Fun Print Boxer Briefs For Boys
Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.
Fruit Of The Loom has new boxers and boxer briefs for boys with all new designs and prints.
The new underwear features three fun prints in bright colors, so kids are able to Start fresh this season.
Other features:
Leg bands rest on the mid-thigh and keep boxer brief in place for all-day comfort
Glow in the Dark Soft waistband in new colors
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My son loves the new prints and that they glow in the dark. Although he says people will say something if they are watching a movie in school and his waistband shows. He is really loving the new prints though, he says no more plain boxer briefs for him.
These new underwear items just released in stores in March 2015. Also available are Toddler girls new theme print briefs.
You can find the new Fruit Of The Loom print boxers and boxer briefs at Walmart. They retail for $8.96 for a 3 pack.
DryPro Waterproof Cast Cover Review
Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.
My daughter recently broke her thumb and has a small cast on her arm to let the bone heal properly. Since she is a active young lady, they decided against a splint and went with a cast. It doesn’t bother her she actually loves it.
When bath time comes though it’s a little more complicated. Her cast has to be dry at all times and the bag we have been putting on only helps so much. I have to help her and her arm has to stay up the whole time, it’s exhausting for both of us.
I heard about DryPro through a email and had to try it.
DryPro waterproof cast cover will allow your children to jump in the pool or simply take a long-awaited shower without fear of damaging their cast. The vacuum seal, waterproof technology is patented and created by a doctor. It is the most-advanced and effective protective gear for medical device wearers available on the market today. Once DryPro is properly applied over a cast, the cast can be fully submerged underwater without the possibility of leakage. A great product for anyone with prosthetic legs and those who wear long-term medical devices, such as PICC lines too.
When we first got it my daughter ripped it open she was so excited to try it. It looked really big buy the opening to put her cast was small, so we were a little confused at first. We made it work and she was able to submerge her whole arm in the bath.
The arm hole is small to protect it’s tight seal. You put it over your cast and pump the air out of the DryPro until it’s sealed tight.
We also received a can of relief spray, to help the relief f itches under the cast and odors.
You can order a DryPro waterproof cast cover and relief spray here.
Wordless Wednesday: He Finally Did It!
Win a Graco 4ever 4-1 Car Seat From LifebankUSA
Disclosure: A gift card will be provided for promoting this contest.
LifebankUSA is the only cord blood bank processing material for FDA-approved clinical trials using stem cells from placental tissue. These stem cells are being used to treat patients with serious conditions, including diabetic foot ulcers. LifebankUSA preserves your baby’s placental tissue using the same steps taken for processing stem cells for our FDA-approved clinical trials. No other cord blood company can claim that. Tissue banking is simply one additional layer of protection and peace of mind for you and your family offered by LifebankUSA.
LifebankUSA is having a contest on their Facebook page. Enter to win 1 of 3 Graco 4ever 4-1 car seats.
I learned all about the importance of banking cord blood when I was pregnant. all 3 of my pregnancies were hard on me, my body and the baby. At one point my doctor even said that 2 of my children would not make it or be born with birth defects, which was just crushing. I didn’t want to take any chances, so we looked into banking just in case. Luckily the doctors were wrong, but I am glad that we took the chance and banked our daughters blood.
You can enter the LifebankUSA contest here.