Shopkins Season 3 and more

**SHOPKINS SEASON 3 HAS OFFICIALLY BEEN RELEASED. Toys R Us has them, and Walmart and Target will follow soon.

Is everyone in on the Shopkins craze yet?

My kids have been in on the craze for a few months now and I can’t tell you how hard they are to find.

I was able to visit Moose Toys at Toy Fair 2015 and got to see what is new with Shopkins At Toy Fair.

Shopkins goodies you can get now are Season 2 5 packs, 12 packs and blind baskets. Plus season 1 if you can still find them.


They introduced 1 new play set with season 2 the fridge, which has been very hard to find. Some friends actually found it at Toys R Us a few days ago.

They also have a new board game and puzzle, I found at Toys R Us.



Now onto Shokins At Toy Fair!

They didn’t want to much revealed as everything is going to be more of a surprise. There are pictures floating around the internet though of some new possible characters.
But I can tell you Shopkins Season 3 will start being released in June 2015.

They will have 3 new exciting play sets for season 3.
One being a Ice Cream Truck complete with accessories



They will also be branching out and making backpacks, purses, lunch boxes, pencil cases and more just in time for back to school.




Not exactly sure when these will be released but i know a few people have found the plush Shopkins in store already.

Happy Hunting!

What are you most excited for?

Make Your Own Cookies With Girl Scout Cookie Oven

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

Everyone loves Girl Scout Cookies but they can get a bit expensive, Plus they are only available for a season. This fall you can start making your own to have anytime. Wicked Cool Toys is introducing the Girl Scout Cookie Oven.


The Girl Scout Cookie oven is not like any other oven out there as it uses Heat plates to cook the food, making sure it is cooked evenly. The oven comes complete with a baking mix, spatula, baking pan and measuring tool.

Will be available in Fall 2015 for $59.99


There will be tons of refill pack options available to buy of your favorite cookie mixes, including Thin Mints, Trefoils, and more.
Available fall $6.99
Deluxe Refill packs will feature two of your favorite cookies in one pack for $14.99

Also available with the Girl Scout Cookie Oven:


Girl Scout Cookie Stand: This classic wooden cookie stand provides hours of engaging playtime and conveniently folds up and fits into its carrying case so that girls can easily set up shop and sell their delicious cookies anywhere they go! It includes cardboard printed “play” cookie boxes, chalkboards, chalk, an eraser, pins to “bling your booth” by adding signs or fun decorations, and fabric shelves to beautifully display cookies on top of and below the stand
Available Fall 2015 for $79.99

Cookie Wagon

Girl Scouts On The Go Wagon: Delivering cookies will never be easier with the On the Go Wagon. Comes with a cookie stand to display your inventory as well as a chalk board and a clip board.
Available Fall 2015 for $129.99

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I have tasted the cookies and although they are small, they are very good. Almost as good as the original, perfect for any little girls tea party.

Every purchase benefits the Girl Scouts, Proceeds from sales will go to help benefit the Girl Scouts Organization.

Who is excited for the Girl Scout Cookie Oven?

2015 Bethpage Air Show Is Coming

The 2015 Bethpage Air Show has been announced.

2015 Bethpage Air Show


2015 Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach — The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will headline this year’s Bethpage Air Show at Jones Beach. This will be the legendary demonstration squadron’s fourth appearance at the show. Their performance will include approximately 40 maneuvers, featuring formation flying and solo routines.
The show will also feature the Canadian Forces CF-18 Demonstration Team, the United States Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, the Breitling Jet Team, Sean D. Tucker – Team Oracle, Lt. Col. John Klatt – Air National Guard, the John Klatt Airshows – Screamin’ Sasquatch Jet Waco Aerobatic Team, GEICO Skytypers, Miss GEICO Speedboat, American Airpower Warbirds, and David Windmiller.

Memorial Day Weekend May 23, 2015 and May 24, 2015
12PM-5pm both days
Jones Beach State Park
Wantagh, NY.

The show is free but admittance into Jones Beach is $10 per car or free if you have a Empire Pass.

Will you be attending this year? I have never been able to attend due to schedule conflicts but have always wanted to go.

Monster High Toy Fair 2015

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post.

I was able to see what is new and upcoming with Monster High for 2015. To be honest, it was nothing that I haven’t already seen for months being listed on Social Media and Monster High blogs.

Here are some of the features from Monster High Toy Fair 2015


New scale size originals. Frankie Stein, Draculaura, and Clawdeen Wolf are now 17″ tall. available October 2015 for $29.99


17″ Gooliope Jellington daughter of the blob
Available October 2015 for $29.99

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Monster High Boo York Assortment.
The ghouls are headed to Boo York City, for their first musical and meet some new ghoul friends along the way.
Luna Mothews Daughter of the Mothman
Elle Eedee daughter of a robot
Mousecedes King daughter of the Rat King

available Fall 2015 for $24.99

Astronova will be available for purchase with her Floatation Station Fall 2015 for $49.99


Freak Du Chic assortment:


The Monster High™ ghouls know how to embrace their freaky fabulous flaws. And when they have to fight to save the school dance, they decide to focus on those flaws as a freaky fabulous theme.
Dressed in over-the-top circus-inspired fashions, Honey Swamp, Jinafire Long, Frankie Stein and Toralei are ready to grab the spotlight as typical circus performers with atypical looks.

Available: Fall 2015 for $19.99

Monster High Centaurs:


Miniature Monster High Centaurs adorn their own unique fashions to match their personality.

Available August 2015 for $9.99

Monster High High School:




This is the biggest Monster High Playset ever. The new high school stands over 3 ft. tall and can fit a little over 30 dolls.
Available August 2015 for $150

Available now:

Monster High The Haunted
Exchange Student Assortment
Core Doll Assortment
Freaky Field Trip Doll Assortment
Vinyl Collectibles

All images are property of No Time Mommy, if you would like to use them I just ask you credit my site.

Thank you

Meet Hello Barbie and More From Toy Fair #Barbie #NYTF

Disclosure: No compensation was received.

Mattel is releasing a whole line of Barbie, revolving around girl power.

Meet Hello Barbie:

Hello Barbie uses a speech recognition platform, to have a two way conversation.


Hello Barbie requires wi-fi connection and can be used for a hour before needing to be charged. Rechargeable batteries are put in the dolls legs and can mount to her charger.

This doll sounds like so much fun. I did ask: If a child says a curse word or something inappropriate, how will the doll respond? She said that the doll would respond with Lets not talk about that right now, or thats not nice. Parents can set up the software to avoid certain conversations. If you don’t want your child talking about relationships or boys for example. You can put that in your parent controls and Hello Barbie will avoid that conversation.

Look how cool Hello Barbie is.

Hello Barbie doesn’t have a official release date yet, but will retail for around $75.

Mattel is also releasing a lot of other cool Barbie dolls and toys.

New Fashionistas:

The new fashionista dolls:

New fashionista dolls are fashionable of course, but they have expanded to include different skin tones as well as hair colors and more. Girls have been asking for a bigger variety of dolls and now you are getting it.


These dolls are available now and retail for $9.99

New Dreamhouse and Camper:
Barbie will be living and traveling in style.

Barbie’s dreamhouse is back and has a better design.


For the first time in her Dreamhouse, Barbie will have a garage that opens and closes to fit her dream car. They have also updated the elevator so it is easier to use. You just pull a small lever up or down. Barbie’s dream house will come complete with all the furniture including interchangeable pieces. A end table can be switched with just a few pieces to become the bathroom sink or the kitchen stove. It will save space in the Dreamhouse.

Barbie’s Dreamhouse will be available in June 2015 for $199.99

Barbie’s camper is much like her Dreamhouse. From the outside it looks like a ordinary camper, but can pull out to be a 3 story house.



Camer includes a bathroom for Barbie, a pool with waterslide, a fire pit with sticks and marshmallows to add to the fun of camping.

This play set will be from the upcoming movie Barbie and Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure. Available June 2015 for $99.99

Career of the year: Film Director


After spending years in front of the camera, Barbie is finally calling the shots. Plus so simple doing it with jeans, a pink top and flats.
Film Director Barbie will be available June 2015 for $12.99

There is so much more coming out for Barbie in 2015!!!

Going To Toy Fair

No Time Mommy will be hitting Toy Fair tomorrow. Although Toy Fair started on Saturday it is never to late to meet with all the great companies that will be there.

I have had prior commitments this week, which has stopped me from attending sooner. My husband is preparing his Thesis proposal for graduation this fall and that takes top priority.

My agenda for Toy Fair, has some exciting companies.

I will be meeting with

Mattel- latest in Monster High, Ever After High, Hot Wheels and do much more.

Cepia LLC. Cepia will be showcasing their new The Amazing Zhu’s Zhu Zhu pets) as well as The Happys.

Anki- Anki is the new upcoming company all about car racing through your mobile devices. They will be showcasing their new line of cars, trucks and more.

Wicked Cool Toys- Wicked cool toys is launching a new Cabbage patch kids line as well as a Girl Scout Cookie Oven.

Safari LTD- Safari LTD is the maker of the cute little plastic animals you see in stores and doctors offices. They will be showcasing their new line of animals and dinosaurs.

Strawberry Shortcake- Strawberry Shortcake is celebrating 35 years and having a party to celebrate.

Moose Toys- Moose toys will be showcasing their new line of toys from Little Live Pets, Shopkins and so much more. I can’t tell you how excited I am to get a sneak peak of Season 3 Shopkins, plus a line of Shopkins Plush toys.

Keep checking back everyday this week for updates on the companies listed above.

Which company are you most excited about?

Tandoor Chef Frozen Entrees

Disclosure: No formal compensation was receive for this post. A coupon was provided for product. All opinions are 100% my own.


Tandoor Chef is the #1 frozen Indian food line in the US. Tandoor Chef is independently owned by an American-Indian family who’s main goal is to continue to share traditional Indian cuisine with American diners. They offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options for the health-conscious and 13 of their meal are under 300 calories per serving! Tandoor Chef makes it easy to commit to New Year’s wellness resolutions by helping people stick to their commitment of eating healthy and packing their own lunch during the work week.

I was able to Try Tandoor Chef this week, and was surprised. I have never had Indian food, but it was good. Really spicy for me, but good. I definitely had my tums afterward.
My husband who loves Indian food said it has a unique flavor and very easy o prepare. Beats going to a restaurant, and saves you a ton of money.

You can find Tandoor Chef frozen entrees at Health food retailers nationwide. To find the location near you visit here.

Tandoor Chef Contest.

Tandoor Chef wants you to pair their meals with the perfect wine in time for Drink Wine Day February 18.

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Enter the contest through their Facebook page. Only 3 days left to enter.

Happy Valentines Day from Build A Bear Workshop

Disclosure: No formal compensation was receive a product was provided for review.

Happy Valentines Day. It’s a day to love and cherish that special someone or just spend the day with your loved ones.

Valentines Day has never been a big deal to me, but I have to admit I love getting a small gift and I love taking my kids out to have a fun day.

For the past 2 years our special Valentine Gift has included Build A Bear Workshop. Whether the animal was for me or for my children, we love them so much.
This year, Build A Bear Workshop has included several new animals just in time for Valentines Day. Including a camouflage bear, and pink camouflage bear. Monkeys, Heart kitty, and so much more. Find out all about them here.

I received the Pink camouflage bear this year. She is so adorable. Plus you can customize her to your own liking. You pick out her clothes, shoes, and even give her sound. You can even make her say I Love You in your own voice for your loved one.



Don’t forget to enter the giveaway I have going on right now to win your own furry friend from Build A Bear Workshop.

Clarence: Mystery Piñata On DVD Now

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for my review.


Cartoon Networks Clarence, has emerged as a top rated comedy series during it’s first season. Clarence is a optimistic, spirited, lovable boy who sees the best in all things and wants to try everything. Because everything is amazing!

Clarence: Mystery Piñata episodes:

  1. Fun Dungeon Face Off
  2. Pretty Great Day With A Girl
  3. Lost In The Supermarket
  4. Clarence’s Millions
  5. Jeffs Noy Toy
  6. Zoo
  7. Rise n’ Shine
  8. Average Jeff’
  9. Slumber party
  10. Dream Boat
  11. Too Gross For Comfort
  12. Neighborhood Grill
  13. ** Original Pilot

My kids love Clarence, they could sit and watch it all day and of course laugh all day. Clarence lives life to the fullest and loves everything. I love hearing them laugh constantly when they are watching it.  They run around the house saying ” It’s Worth It”.

Get your child excited about the dvd with these fun Valentines Day cards.

Will you be picking up Clarence: Mystery Piñata? It’s worth it!

You can watch Clarence on Cartoon Network, and visit their site to play games or watch videos.

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