At Build A Bear Workshop, their mission is to bring a teddy bear to life. An American icon, the Teddy Bear brings to mind warm thoughts about our childhood, about friendship, about trust and comfort, and also about love. Build-A-Bear Workshop embodies those thoughts in how they run their business everyday.
Build A Bear has started a quick and easy way to get your holiday shopping done. Gifts on the go features an array of customized animals, stuffed, dressed and conveniently packaged. They range in price from $15-$40. Some stores will also feature a build a gift station, where you can purchase an animal already stuffed, then purchase clothing to go along with it.
This Holiday season Build a Bear is introducing some new furry friends.

Frosty The Snowman, Holly and Hal Moose return with there lighting antlers and cheeks.
Winter Hugs Bear-4 in the 2009 collection(I really want this bear!), and so much more.

**I received a Frosty the Snowman to review. This guy is so adorable. He makes a little chime sound and his cheeks light up. Great Gift for the holiday season. He is so soft and cuddly and features a broom, hat, pipe and scarf. Frosty is a great little friend that now gets to join Hal the Moose (reviewed last year)
Just for you: The great people at Build A Bear have offered one of my readers a Frosty the Snowman.
To enter:Visit www.buildabear.com and tell me your favorite animal
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Contest will close 12/4/09
Disclosure: Build A Bear provided me with a product to review at no cost to me, and one to giveaway to my readers.