Amazon Studios Presents Tumble Leaf #MC #Sponsored

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Amazon Studios. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and promotional item to thank me for participating.

Tumble Leaf_still 2

Amazon Studios was launched in 2010 as a way to view films and program series. It works in 2 ways.

  • Amazon Studios is an open door for creators. There are a lot of great ideas inHollywood, but not everyone can be there or get their work into the right hands.Amazon Studios is open to ideas from around the world. We are proud to haverecognized talented writers and filmmakers in the US, Canada, the UK, China,Zimbabwe, the Dominican Republic and other countries. Great ideas are out there.
  • Amazon Studios invites the audience in early. Amazon Studios seeks feedback aboutprojects and ideas, even in their earliest stages. And to reach the most people, we try toshape stories into a form that is short, or visual, or both. We will test premises,storyboards, posters, videos, test movies, pilots, promos, and other formats to see what people think.

They are launching a new pre-school series just for kids.

The series is called Tumble Leaf! Each episode will feature Fig, a blue fox who lives in a shipwrecked schooner ship by the sea. Fig is accompanied by his best friend Stick, a caterpillar who lives in a basket strapped to Fig’s forearm. Together they discover friendship, adventure and love all around.

The series will teach valuable lessons:

  • Learning to count
  • Value of Friendship
  • and so much more

The series will launch on Amazon Prime Instant Video on May 23, 2014

*** The series is so cute and informative. My kids really enjoyed it, although I think it is more for the younger crowd. The animation is great, but it is a little similar to other animation.

You can watch the pilot episode for Tumble Leaf and other Amazon series here.

Zarbee’s Naturals For Your Seasonal Congestion

Disclosure: “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received a promotional item and a product sample as a thank you for participating.”

Every year around spring time we go through the sniffles, sneezing, headaches. It’s the worst, specially for my kids. I send them to school and then everyone thinks they are sick, even though it is just congestion from the season.

We have tried multiple products to help with seasonal congestion, but most products make my kids drowsy. You can’t send them to school when they are drowsy, thats for sure.

I was recently introduced to Zarbee’s Naturals for seasonal relief. Although my kids are still a bit to young to take it. It’s intended for children 12 years and older. It’s been a great solution for seasonal relief for my husband and I.

Some great info about Zarbees:

  • Physician developed and recommended
  • No side affects
  •  Made with natural Butterbur to help combat congestion
  • Free of drugs, gluten, dyes and alcohol

To help people breathe easier, Zarbee’s has launched the Seasonal Relief Project.  The project is designed to help you get wellness tips, educational information and even request free samples to try yourself.

Right now when you sign up for the Seasonal Relief Project Website, Zarbee’s will donate to 1 of 4 causes promoting exposure and protection of fresh air.   Plus you can get a $3 off coupon exclusively to buy Zarbee’s at CVS.

Zarbee’s Naturals can be bought over the counter t Target and CVS. Please remember that this product is intended for adults and children ages 12 and up.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”

How does seasonal congestion affect you and your family?  What are your natural remedies?



OshKosh B’gosh is Getting Ready For Spring #MC

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for OshKosh B’gosh. I received a gift card to facilitate my shopping trip and to thank me for participating.


I have never shopped at OshKosh before. So when I first walked in the store i was a bit surprised by the prices, they were a lot pricer than what I usually buy. They do have door busters and sales from time to time though.
When I shopped they had 40% off the entire store with 50% off certain items. They also have door busters on their new spring lines, like $7 leggings and $12 Tunics.

Even after the savings some of the prices were still a bit high, but the clothes were so cute.


With $100 gift card I was able to buy each one of my kids a outfit, so 3 outfits. I also bought a extra shirt and pants. Didn’t seem like to much for $100, but I was at least able to get a outfit for all 3 of the my kids.
The outfits I bought are:
Girls Leggings and Awesome shirt.


Leggings and girls tunic.


Pants and boys tee.


Plus the extras I bought that were on clearance.



My kids loved all the clothes. The orange leggings are a bit see through, but they would still go perfect with a long shirt or dress.

To get some ideas of what you can get with their Spring line check out OshKosh, or find a store near you

There is also a coupon you can use 20% of a $30 purchase. I did not end up using the coupon because you can’t use it with the sales and door busters already in store.

We will most likely be going back to OshKosh to get more clothes in the future.

What is your favorite style of Clothing from OshKosh B’Gosh?

Sign Up For Kidoodle.TV And Enter To Win #Sponsored #MC

Disclosure: Disclosure: “I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

When we decide to go on long trips my kids love to bring the Tablet and watch Kidoodle.TV, their favorites are Ruby Gloom, Chuck and Friends, and Family Game Night. My favorite is the Parent Room, I get to monitor what they are watching and doing.

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You can try Kidoodle.TV for free through the month of December, and enter to win. When you try Kidoodle.TV you’ll be entered to win 1 of 10 tablets or year long subscriptions. Follow them on their social channels too, Twitter and Facebook.

Get Holiday Cards with CardStore #sponsored #TopoftheMantel #MC

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Cardstore. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

This year has been so busy, I still have not had the time to create or even take pictures for this years holiday card. Even after that, there is addressing them and going to the post office etc.
After you personalize your card, CardStore will print, stamp and send the cards for you – getting this big task off your to do list. For Cyber Monday today CardStore is offering 99 cents flat cards, get yours now.

Jif’s Most Creative Sandwich Contest #MC

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Jif. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating

I make peanut Butter and sandwiches everyday, my kids would eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner. Jif is hosting their Most Creative Sandwich Contest -asking families across the country to create an original sandwich recipe with 2 tablespoons of your favorite Jif products! Children ages 6-12 and their parents can enter to win a 25,000 college fund, and a trip to NYC.

Nutty BBQ Chicken Quesadilla
Last Years Finalist

You can enter now on their site, but hurry contest ends November 8.

#Sponsored Get A Head Start On Head Lice This Back To School Season Season- Visit

The below content is sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur’s Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

It’s almost that time again! The back to school season is just around the corner, and with that comes preparing for a new teacher, a new classroom and a new year.

One thing that parents may not prepare for is … head lice! The truth of the matter is, head lice are common and can happen to any child. An estimated 6 to 12 million infestations occur each year in the U.S., which means many parents are likely to experience firsthand how lice can impact their children, families or friends.

Unfortunately, head lice are common in elementary schools – about one out of every 100 elementary school children becomes infested. Many parents may not know where to turn for accurate information.

Now here’s the good news: there is a website available to provide you with all the information you need when your child gets that dreaded letter home from school, or if you just want to learn more to be prepared. is driven by experts who are also moms, so they get it. The website features basic information on the little critters, including symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment options:
• The How to Lose the Lice Guide, with a handy checklist to save time and reduce stress when battling head lice
• The Headfirst! Lice Experience video allows you to choose your experience, whether it be you’re not sure you have lice, or you just want to get rid of them::

It’s important to remember the most common way to spread head lice is head-to-head contact. Thinking ahead with things like checking with parents before slumber parties to find out if anyone recently had lice, or teaching your child to avoid sharing brushes or hats is a good start.

So if you are trying to get rid of head lice, or a parent who always likes to be prepared, visit Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice for more information.

Cascade Platinum Keeps Your Dishes Sparkling

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Cascade. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”


One chore I don’t mind doing in my house is the dishes, well as long as my dishwasher is working.   I love how easy it is to use, and if you have tons of dishes you can run it again.   I usually use liquid dish-washing detergent.  Sometimes though I notice that it leaves a little residue on the cups.  I always pre-rinse my dishes since our last dishwasher broke it’s just been a habit.

Then I was introduced to Cascade  Platinum packs. They are so easy to use, it’s just a little pack that you put in your dishwasher.

Cascade Platinum Pacs deliver the most powerful clean from Cascade, while also cleaning the inside of your dishwasher.

Cascade power pacs also”

  • powers away tough stuck on food
  • Eliminates the need to pre-wash dishes
  • delivers dishware shine
  • helps maintain the look of your dishes as well as keep your machine looking new.


When i first tried these I was skeptical, since it was just a tiny pack and my dishwasher is old and I’ve always had trouble with residue and dishes not coming clean enough.   I was amazed with the Cascade Platinum pacs. They got my dishes clean and there was no little food pieces t the bottom of my dishwasher.  I couldn’t believe a little pac like that could make my dishes and dishwasher shine.

Plus, Having your dishes look their best makes the meal that much better. Gail Simmons, Top Chef Judge and Editor of Food and Wine magazine has teamed up with Cascade to discuss why presentation is just as important as preparation.

I believe that is true, when my husband was in undergrad school, he worked as a dishwasher in a restaurant. He was told from the beginning that without dishwashers and clean dishes the restaurant would be nothing.

Cascade Platinum is holding a Instagram contest that is running for four weeks. Each week they will have a theme and you just upload your pic of the theme to be entered. For more information on the contest visit here.
Each week 2 winners will receive a Whirlpool dishwasher, a lucky grand prize winner will receive a platinum kitchen.

Lysol’s Healthing Initiative

Lysol is starting a new campaign to help keep families healthy. They want to make sure families are taking the correct steps to keep their families healthy with sanitizing and proper washing etc.

One of my favorite products is Lysol wipes, they help keep my kitchen and bathroom counters clean. Plus having 3 kids so many things get spilled, perfect for clean up.

  1. Here are some Lysol Healthing tips:Don’t overwhelm yourself, take it one room at a time. 
  2. Know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting.
  3. Start with a wipe down like Lysol wipes, then use a disinfectant spray
  4. disinfect things you don’t normally do like door knobs, handles and drains.
  5. Most important* Remember to wash your hands!

Most illness’s are brought home and then linger on doorknobs, and other places. The illness will keep spreading if you don’t get rid of the germs. Don’t just make your house clean, but make it healthy too.

Lysol Healthing campaign goes beyond it’d products, to provide education and motivation to keep a healthy family and home.  including……

  • 65,000 schools to promote healthy habits and hygiene
  • providing education programs for new mom’s and their newborns
  • Working with third parties to get the word out like the PTA, National associations of pediatrics, and more.

Helping spread the word to everyone Lysol has teamed up with Giuliana Rancic, to visit YMCA’S around the country to demonstrate healthing in action.   At the demonstrations they will showing attendees a hands on approach to healthy hygiene habits at home. They will also be showing ways to make it fun and exciting for kids to get involved and enjoy it.  Lysol will also be donating products to the YMCA along with a one year membership to a deserving Family.


Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for LYSOL. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Wrap Up of Being A Kotex Mom #KotexMoms

For these past 6 months, I have been able to be one of Mom Central’s Kotex Moms. My daughter has not yet started her period, but it’s not to far away. It’s actually funny, because I thought I had all the time in the world to explain periods to my daughter. Being a Kotex Mom has made me realize that, it’s better to start early and prepare. Girls are starting as young as 7 years old and  every girl is different.

I’m glad that I had the chance to start my daughter on the talks a year or two early, and get her prepared.  She has been kind of embarrassed about talking in front of her younger brother and sister, since they make fun of everything. So we have been going on little outings by ourself every few weeks to talk.  We missed it this last week, thanks to the Hurricane but I will be talking her out again very soon.

We were even sent a little calendar for her to keep track of periods and all the important things in her life. If she is anything like me though, she will never be able to track it. LOL!

I have become really fond of the Kotex brand over these past months, and just love how they introduced Kotex Tween. They really are the perfect fit and very discreet for girls.  My daughter loved how colorful the packaging is, and even said they could be mistaken for one of her post it notes.  That’s actually really good, because they don’t want it to embarrassed by the pads.

If you are getting ready to have the talk with your daughter, please visit here for some helpful tips and videos.

Disclosure:  I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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