Teaching Your Daughter Monthly Maintenance

I have been getting my daughter prepared for when she starts her period. She still have a year or two, but is really smart and has been asking questions. Now It’s time to start the talk about how to track, and prepare for exactly what day they start.

One problem I always had as a tween was tracking. I had a really weird cycle and I’d start at the beginning of the month, then the middle of the month. It was never the same.
I have explained to my daughter that it is good to always mark the day you start your period every month. You never know when the doctor will ask the question and just to be able to try and determine when your period will start the next month. So there are no stained underwear or accidents.
Another way to determine if your period is coming, is they may start to feel bloated, cramps and just be moody for no reason. LOL! I have also told my daughter that there are various moods you will experience when it’s that time of the month. It may be sadness, discomfort, restlessness etc. Thats normal, it’s just estrogen talking.

Now the really important part
One thing I hated was having to change my pad. It became such a pain and hard to get to a bathroom when you are in school. It’s important to change your pad every hour or when you use the bathroom, if it’s soiled. It will make you fell refreshed and clean.
My mother always taught me that it’s a good idea when your 5-7 day period is over to cleanse yourself. You can bathe very well or use a woman douche.

To learn more about Tween Kotex please visit here. If you would like some tips on how to talk to your daughter, or have questions visit here.

“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Teaching Your Daughter How To Be discreet about Periods

My daughter and I have been having the talk back and forth about periods, i think she is finally full understanding everything.  I told her though that having your period can also make you very insecure when it comes in public.

When I started as a child, I started in class and was very embarassed and it was the talk of the class for days. It was very embarrassing and since i didn’t have anything in my backpack I had to announce it and go to the nurse. I really don’t want my daughter to experience that. So we have been discussing ways for her to keep a pad in her backpack, but be discreet about it so no one sees.

We have come up with the ideas of keeping a small makeup pouch/case in her backpack with a pad in it. or even buying a backpack with a hidden compartment.   To help us figure out which way is best we were sent a small makeup bag to test out.   It worked great, I love how the U BY Kotex Tween pads are bright and colorful so they blend in with all my daughters other items.


Our next discussion will consist off the when to tell you will start. This is actually a tough one because every person is different when it comes to their period. I think that she will be able to tell when her period will start by having cramps, a upset stomach or bloating. Even if a child doesn’t have any symptoms they can still start, so it’s always good to have a pad in your child’s backpack just incase. It’s always good to be prepared.

U by Kotex Tween is a pad designed just for Tweens they are thin, but still protect well. They are also packaged  in neon colors and small design to keep them discreet.

For more information about U by Kotex Tween visit here.   If you are having trouble having the talk with your child, The Kotex Website will answer all your questions.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

Starting the Conversations With My Daughter about Periods

My daughter has yet to start her period, but I know it won’t be that far away. I started early, so I know she will too. We have already started talking about periods and babies and everything that comes the maturity talk. My daughter has become interested to know, thanks to reality shows she has watched.

The easiest time to talk to her is when we are alone. Her brother and sister always make sounds and giggles that embarrass her.  Every one has said they think she i still to young to understand, after all she is only 7 1/2, but she is very smart. She is actually coming to me with things she is learning herself either from books or TV.

Now when I have to start the conversation with my middle daughter I am a bit nervous. She is more shy and reserved.   So when the conversation starts with her I think I will just take her one on one and start the conversation out slow.

I think you can tell when your child is ready when they start to ask questions about anatomy, getting breasts, sex etc.

They actually have books to help too, like The Period Book.   I know when I was younger it was easier for me to figure everything out on my own. My mom was kind of embarrassing.  I would ask her after I already had the facts to get her opinion on things.

To get girls ready for their period, Kotex has come out with a whole new line U by  Kotex Tween. the perfect thin pad with wings, that protects but won’t make your daughter feel bulky.

If you are having trouble talking to your tween about periods Kotex Tween has also set up helpful tips and videos, for you to get the talks started called Hello Period.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.


When Talking about Periods is Embarassing

My daughter should be starting her period in just a few years, but I have already started preparing her for the talk.   She has seen enough tampons and such in the house to start asking.

I had learned most of what I needed to know in 4th grade science class, we were learning about anatomy.   I have learned a few things though from my experience as an aunt and even from my mom.

First ask her what she knows about periods. Kids are smarter than you think and they may have read about it, learned from  friend or at school.   If they know about a few things go from there, if not then start with the basics.

  • every girl/woman bleeds, that is how you become a woman.
  • Explain products and how they are used.
Trust me, that is really important, it took me a long time to figure out how to use a tampon.   Explain which product you would think would be best for your child. I would go with U By Kotex Teen with wings. They are comfortable and hold in place no matter how much they move around.
I don’t remember really talking to my mom too much about it. So as a mother now, I want my daughter to know everything, and be very well prepared.   When I first started I was in class and of course everyone knew about it. I was embarrassed and had to go to the nurse and have her explain a few things.
I think it’s important when kids get closer to the age to have a Kotex pad in their backpack just in case, there is no reason for a child to be embarrassed over a period.
The main thing to remember when starting the talk is to be honest, and  calm. Take her somewhere where no one can over hear, or any little brothers will embarrass her.
To find out more about U By Kotex Tween visit here.



“I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

I am a U By Kotex Ambassador #KotexMom

I am excited to announce that i am a U by Kotex ambassador through a Mom Central partnership.  I’ve always dreaded having the talk with my two daughters, but now that they are getting older It will be easier.

My kids are still very young, they are only 6 and 7, but it’s never to early to have the talk with your daughter.   I started my period when just before I turned 10. Yes really that young, and we have family members who have started at 9. So my daughters will starting their periods in just a few years.

I have already had the where do babies come from talk with my daughter, thanks to an episode of Teen Mom. Having the period talk shouldn’t be to much of a shock to her. They have been asking questions from seeing what I do. Like asking what pantyliners are what they are used for.

U by Kotex brand is a brand specifically designed for tweens.
The new pads with heavy flow absorbency in a smaller size than the regular pads,and are designed for younger girls. U by Kotex Tween pads come in vibrant colors and patterns, have a special cover to ensure they stay dry, plus an absorbent core to lock fluid away and help prevent leaks.

I really wish they had these when I first started, I always felt like I was wearing a diaper. I hated it.

Aimee Teegaren Gets real video:

I love this video, although I don’t think my mom prepared me as much. I think I learned more from books and school about having a period. When I started out I used pads with wings, which I think are best for young girls. The pads stay in place no matter how much you move.

To find out more about the Kotex Tween products visit here, or have a question about your perod or how to talk to your daughter get tips here.

Have you had the talk with your daughter?

I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

I’ve become a Ambassador

If you have been looking at my sidebar than you know, that this year I am taking some ambassadorship. This is my first year ever being an ambassador for a company. I am so excited to be such a big part of these companies.

First I am a Build A Bear 15 friend. Build A Bear has been fulfilling kids lives with Building their own friends for 15 years. All this year I will be bringing you the latest on new products and giveaways. We absolutely love Build A Bear!

I am a Bronx Zoo ambassador, The Bronx Zoo here in Ny has so much going on and they have invited me to share it with you along the way.

I am a Hormel Extended Family Blogger, all year I have been bringing you all the best in Hormel foods and recipes.

I have 2 more ambassadorship through Mom Select. I am a Claritin Mom Crew Member and A Coppertone Water Mom. I am excited to be wiring with both these companies. Having three small kids, I can share so many experiences with these products.

I have one more to introduce and I haven’t officially announced yet. I will be announcing next week. I am going Mom Central in talking to young girls about growing up and getting their first lady cycle with the Kotex brand.


I hope everyone will enjoy all I have to bring with these ambassadorship.

Disclosure: I am an ambassador for all the companies mentioned above and have been compensated in some form.

Fijit Newbies Blog Tour

Mattel came out with Fijit Friends a few years ago, and they looked like so much fun. My kids have always wanted them, but we wanted to wait until the price came down.

Mattel newly introduced the Fijit Newbies, which are like fijit babies. While they don’t do as much as a Fijit Friend, they are sell fun.

We received Fijit Friend Sage, and Fijit Newbies Melodee, and Mila

The newbies mainly just play a song and when you put 2 together they can do a duet. which my kids loved the most because they could play and sing with them. Each Fijit has a chirp feature program. When you get your newbie to chirp, your Fijit Friend will respond and say what’s up, then dance to your newbies song.

The Fijit newbies only have a few features but they are fun to play with and have a low price, compared to the Fijit Friend.

Retail: Fijit Newbie retails for $14.99


Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Mattel and received two Fijit Friends Newbies and one Fijit Friends to facilitate my review.”

Carefree Can Keep You Fresh

As a mom of three, all 6 and under I am always on the go.  Between running kids to the bus stop cleaning, shopping, potty training and more, I rarely get to find time to freshen up, so I always carry body spray and some panty liners in my purse.

Carefree Liners are now 40% thinner and twice as absorbent, compared to the previous Carefree Liners. Carefree acti-fresh liners were designed with everyday wear in mind, plus the odor control system helps keep you fresh for eight hours a day.

I have only had a light period for years, thanks to my Mirena so I am always on the lookout for great liners.  I love these things they help you smell great and are so thin. With bulky pads and liners, I always feel like I am wearing diaper, with these I barely even notice. They also are available for a great price ranging around 2 dollars.  I really like the fact that they are so small , its easy to keep them discreet in your pocket or purse.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Carefree and received a product sample and gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Filtrete Allergen Reduction

When the weather starts to warm up my house is full of runny noses, and sinuses. Luckily I always have the house dusted and make sure I have a allergy medicine on hand for my little ones.  Since Little ones are always known for putting their mouths on everything even things that contain harmful chemicals. Dr. Alanna Levine of the American Academy Of Pediatrics is sharing her ABC’s for maintaining a healthy home for your children.

  • A is for Avoid- Whenever possible, avoid irritants that often trigger allergies, such as products made of feathers or down. Use hypoallergenic pillows on your child’s bed, and limit exposure to perfume, talcum powder, hair spray, air fresheners, fabric softeners or other strong odors or sprays. Strong fragrances and odors may aggravate allergy symptoms.
  • B is for Balance- Maintain a consistent balance in the home to help minimize allergens. Keep the windows shut and use central air conditioning during high pollen seasons to help protect children from pollen particles that trees, grasses and weeds release into the air.  These particles can harbor in the eyes, nose, and airways, causing allergy symptoms to flair for those allergic to pollen. Also, give children washable, non-allergenic stuffed toys when possible, and be sure to wash the ones played with the most on a weekly basis, in hot water at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • C is for Change- Change items that are easy to neglect but are important for maintaining a healthier home, such as leaky faucets, pipes and other high moisture areas that are common places for mold growth. Don’t neglect their air in the home either. Change your filter every three months, and use a high performance filter, such as a Filtrete Elite Allergen Reduction Filter from 3M.

Filtrete has a Clear Advantage Program, which features more healthy home tips, filter change reminders, money-saving offers and more through their seasonal newsletter. You can sign up here.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Filtrete and received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

Hickory Farms makes the Holidays taste good

I did a review for Hickory Farms through Mom Central about a month ago and I wanted to write about it again.

I received a party planner box and a   picnic basket pack.

The picnic basket I loved it is filled with summer sausage and cheeses, strawberry candies and colorful mints. The only bad thing i can say is that it didn’t last very long in my house. Plus I really am excited that now I have an actual picnic basket that I can use over and over again.

The party planner gift box was seriously jammed pack full of all the favorites, tons of sausages and cheese. This box is perfect for the cheese lover because it has 5 different kinds of cheese. This gift box was the favorite among my kids.

You can read my full review here.

Visit www.hickoryfarms.com and pick out a basket for yourself or your loved ones this holiday.

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Hickory Farms and received a two signature gift boxes from Hickory Farms to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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