It’s 2016 and what better way to ring in the new year with Shopkins Season 4. Shopkins have been a popular toy for years,and they are only getting more popular. Right of the heels of season 3 being released this summer, they just introduced Shopkins Season 4.

These new addition Shopkins are so cute and new categories have been added to the mix, like gardening, Party Time, and more. There new feature special edition is Petkins, They are cute Shopkin with pet faces.

This year is totally different than in past seasons, the packs are designed and situated different this year. Including the blinds which are no longer in yellow bags, unless you get the 5 pack. 12 packs now have clear blind bags as well as the 2 packs.
In addition to Shopkins Season 4, there are some new fun play sets and Shoppie dolls to add in the Mix.

Play sets there are just to many different things to announce. They have a Cupcake Queen cafe out, as well as other play sets.
They even have new blind bags coming out for food fair sets, that feature season 1, 2 and 3 different colored characters.
I’ll be honest though as I like the originals and plan on sticking to that.
In addition to the Food Fair sets, there is a new set with Candy Shopkins.
There are 2 new Shoppe dolls being introduced. Donatina Donuts Delight playset is now available at Toys R Us, and Peppa Mint will be available soon (even though some people have already found her). Pictured above!
Like many of you out there, I am having the hardest trouble finding these items. I got lucky one time and found Season 4 at Walmart, took a few and left the rest for others. Unfortunately my good deed did no good as the next person cleared the shelf.
Season 4 is online at Toys R Us and
Disclosure: Nothing was received for this post. Everything featured was purchased by me solely.