Peeps are filling easter Baskets this weekend

Easter is only a couple days away and what is the one candy every Easter Basket needs? Peeps®! Peeps® are everyones favorite Marshmallow treat. They started out as chicks and birds around Easter time and have no expanded and feature minions, Dinosaurs and so much more. There are tons of different varieties too like Chocolate Mousse, Gingerbread, Birthday cake, Banana Creme and so much more. Peeps and Company® also features and sells Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, and Peanut Chews.

This year Peeps®has come out with tons of different flavors to put in your childs basket. They have fruit punch peeps, chocolate covered peeps, orange creme, birthday cake and so much more.

You could literally fill your entire Easter Basket:

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Peeps® are always fun to have on holidays. For Easter not Only do Peeps® represent the Holidays fun spirit with candy in shapes of Bunnies, chicks, eggs and more.
Want more than candy? Peeps® has a assortment of gifts as well like stuff animals, earphones, clothing and more.

My kids look forward to getting these every year. They just love the various flavors and shapes they come in. They call it marshmallow sugary goodness.

You can find Peeps® at all local retailers and on their website.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. Product was provided for review. All opinions are 100% my own.

Celebrate Easter With Hormel Ham #HormelFamily

Disclosure: I’ve partnered with Hormel Foods as part of the Hormel Foods Extended Family Blogger Program. Throughout the year I’ll be receiving product, coupons, giveaways and promotions. However, no payment was given or expected for posting about the program, and as always, all opinions given here are fully my own.


Every Easter We celebrate with a nice dinner and eat together as a family. It’s hard during school and work to actually be able to eat at the same time, so we make it a point to on Holidays. This year my kids decided to go with a ham for dinner, but knowing them they won’t eat very much. We ended up with a really big Hormel Cure 81 ham, that was on sale for a good price.


Cooking it was a cinch and everyone loved it for dinner, pairing it with pineapple, mashed potatoes and veggies and salad.


We were left with tons of leftovers, and my kids complained that we were eating ham for days. There are so many things you can have ham with so we made the best of it.

What was on the table for Easter at your house? Do you prefer ham for special occasions?

Shopkins So Cool Fridge and Shopkins Easter Basket

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received. A fridge was provided for review.

My kids have fallen for the Shopkins craze, and when a new product comes out they just want it.
One of the latest products is the Shopkins So Cool Fridge Playset.


The fridge comes with two special characters and tiny eggs. You can open the fridge and all it’s compartments. The ice maker even works, just stick a Shopkin on it and push for ice and it falls in the cup. The fridge can hold plenty of Shopkins and has been non stop fun for my kids.


They have been sticking the shoes and appliances in the fridge,and then complaining it doesn’t go there. We don’t have very many season 1 which have the Dairy.

My kids love Shopkins but as a mom they can be so hard to find, and there have been a few times where I will find them but then someone scoops everything up before I can get one. It has taken months just to get the few we have, because I tell my kids they can have 1 pack each when we find them. It’s only fair to leave them for other kids who love them.

Shopkins Easter Basket Fun:

We have been putting together some fun ideas for a Shopkins Easter Basket including the fridge. Shopkins are so small they can fit in the Easter eggs and it’s perfect for a egg hunt.



Depending on the size eggs you buy you can fit a Shopkin in a small egg or a Shopkin with a shopping bag in a big egg.


Will you be doing a Shopkins Easter Basket?


 Easter was kind of a wierd one. My husbands birthday was on Easter this year. (which makes him so proud) the last time it was on the 23 was 1913 and the next time will be my husbands 246 birthday. He did all this research about it.
  I made a big dinner for all his family, well the ones that came. Then followed by a cake, it was so stressful on me and me and my husband decided no more family get togethers unless he is out on vacation. Good for me!  Our spring break was the week before and we went and had family portraits done something I have been begging for forever. My husband hates pictures. They came out really good though. I’ll try posting one later it won’t let me right now. We went to the zoo, which i really liked the gorillas came up close to us. They are older females and take to kids so they wanted to come see our kids.  That was about it. So it was a fun 2 weeks for me.

How do you spend time with your family on Easter? Do you do baskets for the kids? Go to Church? Big Dinner?

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